субота, 29. јануар 2011.

Garmin Mobile XT

         Zbog velikog intresovanja, a i zbog vec "zrelog i primenjivog" sigurnosnog resenja, Garmin se pridruzio mnogim drugim proizvodjacima navigacionog softvera koji je moguce koristiti sa BILO KOJIM GPS prijemnikom - sto ukljucuje i integrisane risivere na PDA uredjajima (PALM i WINDOWS MOBILE) i smartphone-ovima poput Nokia N70, N73,N82,N95,N96,E66,E71,5320,5800,6600,6630.....i jos dosta drugih i Bluetooth GPS risivere.

        Reci cete - NE RADI!!!! Sa novom Verzijom Mobile XT 5.00.50 jednostavno radi. U cemu je razlika sa prethodnim verzijama? Osim u mogucnosti izbora drugih NE GARMIN BT GPS risivera i integrisanih GPS prijemnika, jedina razlika je u zastiti softvera i karti i u podrsci za telefone sa "touch screen" ekranom!

         Garmin je na novom resenju primenio resenje koje umesto da imate zakljucanu kartu za Garmin Unit ID, karta je zakljucana za pojedinacnu SD karticu odnosno za njen Security ID koji sam proizvodjac ubacuje i koji ne mozete menjati. Sta to u praksi znaci? Najjednostavnije receno - mozete jednu karticu koristiti regularno u vise razlicitih uredjaja sa istim operativnim sistemima (naravno ne istovremeno). Sada mozete kupiti karticu sa preinstaliranom mapom i koristiti je i u vasoj npr. Nokiji N95 sa ugradjenim risiverom i jednog dana kada budete promenili telefon u npr. Nokija E71 , mozete nastaviti koriscenje iste kartice.

        Kako sve to funkcionise? Na microSD karici koja se dobija sa miniSD i full size SD adapterima nalazi se instalacija za vas operativni sistem. Instalacija je automatska i traje manje od 10 sekundi. Nakon toga pokrece se sam GMXT program i posle pocetnih podesavanja jezika, GMXT trazi prvo bluetooth prijemnik. Ukoliko imate integrisan prijemnik jednostavno prekinite bluetooth pretragu i u opcijama odaberite drugi sa liste ponudjnih portova koji su nadjeni u uredjaju i to je to.


         Jos jedna lepa mogucnost programa (ukoliko koristitie GMXT na telefonu) je slanje SMS poruka sa koordinatama trenutne pozicije ili neke druge tacke na drugi telefon sa GMXT softverom ili ukoliko telefon na koji zelite poslati poruku nema GMXT mozete poslati isecak karte kao MMS poruku.
        Osim ovoga imate i mogucnost da postojecim kontaktima u imeniku dodelite i GPS koordinate tako da je navodjenje ka njima vrlo jednostavno.GMXT softver takodje poseduje mogucnost kalkulacije ruta i glasovno navodjenje na SRPSKOM i jos 20-ak svetskih jezika.

            U celoj ovoj prici najinteresantnija stvar je da je koriscenje GMXT softvera potpuno BESPLATNO....Nije Vam potrebna konekcija na internet vec se softver automatski preko vaseg bluetooth gps resivera povezuje sa svim dostupnim satelitima u Vasoj blizini!

                                                  Softver je kompatibilan sa svim telefonima koji poseduju:
                                                                      -Symbian S60 2rd;
                                                                      -Symbian S60 3rd;
                                                                      -Symbian UIQ3.O;
                                                                      -Windows Mobile;
                                                              -Palm....operativni sistem!


   Nav N GO igo8

          iGo8 se vrti na nekoj od Win platformi tako da se softver u stvari razlikuju u kvalitetu izrade od Gamina, manje i više bitnim opcijama tipa brzine procesora, veličine ekrana, ima BT nema BT, načinu montaže .Onu osnovnu funkciju tipa dovedi me tu i tu, rade gotovo identično. Kod Garmina je slična priča. Mape iste, navodi nas isto.iGO8 ima prijateljski interfejs pun korisnih informacija i veoma intuitivan meni,na netu ima dosta interesnatnih skinova tako da IGO navigaciju mozete prilagoditi sebi u svakom pogledu.

         Nudi veliki broj korisnih funkcija/ informacija i ako znate da ga pravilno koristite proizvod je u potpunosti zaokruzen .Takodje za svaku pohvalu je sto iGO stalno unapredjuje software i dodaje raznorazne novotarije kao i naravno sam update mapa. Preciznost sam testirao mnogo puta (bukvalno od prvog dana pojave kod nas) i mogu reci da sam jako zadovoljan.Pokrivenost je na zavidnom nivou.Razlika izmedju Garmina i iGO8 je samo u platformama na kojim rade ova dva softvera.
         Sve u svemu neki moj opsti zakljucak je da su i jedna i druga opcija solidne ali ipak ne i potpuno resenje jer imaju vrlo ozbiljne i prednosti i mane, tako da mislim da je idealno imati i jedno i drugo na istom uredjaju i kombinovati! Time se namece zakljucak da je najbolje koristiti neki uredjaj sa Mobilnim Windows OS-om bilo da je pda,  ili Win Smartphone jer je jedino tako na njemu moguce imati i Garmin (konkretno mobile XT ) i iGO kao i druge korisne programe, pre svega za multimediju.
        Garmin podrzava rad sa Symbian, Windows Mobile i Palm telefonima i PDA uredjajima....dok iGO8 podrzava rad sa samo Windows Mobil uredjajima.


Povoljno i profesionalno servis gps navigacija,ubacivanje mapa i softwera,radari i kamere na sve vrste i marke navigacionih uredaja ,Garmin,Mio,LG,Becker,Asus,HP,Magellan,Medion,Navigon,Navm
an,Sanyo,Waytwec....i ostali uredaji.Takode i za kineske gps navigacije.
Softweri: Garmin,iGO,Tom Tom,....
Oslobodite svoj uredaj dodatnim softwerom i koristite maksimalne mogucnosti; Video player, Music player, Igrice, Office,itd.. sve na vasoj navigaciji....
Najnovije mape 2010/2011

Garmin Moblile PC za laptope,pogodan za speditere.

Navigacije za symbian mobilne telefone i windows mobile pocket pc.............

Više od 7 godina iskustva u radu sa GPS navigacijama. Proveren KVALITET i brza usluga.



недеља, 23. јануар 2011.

Nextar ME 3.5″ GPS

We acquired a Nextar ME 3.5″ GPS online. It arrived in a sturdy cardboard box which we opened and promptly discovered that a part was missing. The Nextar is advertised online, and according to the ads the package is supposed to include an AC power adapter. It didn’t.
What was in the package:
the GPS itself – a fairly well made unit as far as fit and finish go,
a windshield attachment with a magnet,
a plastic disk with adhesive on one side that allows attaching the suction cup to the other, shiny, side,
a car power supply with a long cord and a mini USB plug,
a carrying bag for the GPS,
manuals in both English and French.
The Nextar runs the iGO 8.3 navigation software, which is one of the best on the market. A good description can be found here. There are several things missing from the Nextar iGO package, the main being building and terrain descriptions. Usually iGO8 will show 3D images of buildings or at least major landmarks and also terrain features like mountains. The Nextar version is missing this information. Nextar also included only the default skin and color scheme. This though is easily corrected as we will discuss below.
We tested the Nextar navigation system indoors and, when placed next to a window, it acquired the satellites within 40 seconds from a cold start. In a single story house it managed to keep a lock on the satellites anywhere in the house. Quite impressive.
The Nextar version of iGO comes with TTS (Text To Speech) as well as regular voices. The user can select a TTS voice and have the system pronounce the name of the street to turn next. Alternatively one of the regular voices will give just the minimal “turn left”, “turn right” directions, which are actually quite good.
We tested the Nextar on a 16 mile drive in Las Vegas, NV. The display was visible if somewhat washed out in the bright sun. It was useful. The sound is another matter. The speaker is extremely tinny and iGO doesn’t play well with the hardware. If volume is set to dynamically increase with speed it does so in large increments. A speed change from 30 mph to 40mph can double the volume. The speaker’s power range is narrow and setting the unit to a high volume distorts the sound and makes the whole contraption vibrate. At medium volume with dynamic volume control disabled, the unit sounds reasonably loud, though still tinny. The best compromise we found was to set the dynamic range from a minimum of 55mph to maximum of 110mph. At this setting the volume changes were not as abrupt.
Our other gripe is with the maps Nextar chose to install. TeleAtlas and Navstar maps are available for iGO. Both companies update their maps at least once a year. As was mentioned in a previous post on this blog TeleAtlas maps have serious errors in the US. In addition to installing TeleAtlas maps Nextar has no provision for updating the installed maps. On our system, which was made at the end of 2009, the maps are from 2008.
The Nextar ME is easy to hack. It connects to any computer running Microsoft’s ActiveSync. From that point you can open the file viewer and, for example, add skins and color schemes. It also makes updating the maps possible by just buying and update directly form NaviExtras at https://www.naviextras.com/shop/portal.
If you buy maps and a new version of iGO on a Secure Digital card it is a simple matter to direct the Nextar ME to start the navigation program from the card. Just modify the text file SHELL.INI in the root of the ResidentFlash directory.
Nextar provided a MP3 player and a picture viewer. Both are of limited utility. The display is only 3.5″ diagonal – about as large as the displays on many cameras. Why you would want to use it to view pictures is unclear. MP3 may sound OK through earphones but would be torture to listen through the internal speaker.
Conclusion: the Nextar ME 3.5″ GPS is a reasonable system, especially for the price. It has some good features, like a sensitive GPS receiver and excellent navigation software. It lacks mainly in the sound department. It is hard to find anything competitive at the price, but probably paying $10 or $20 more would be worth it.
The ME 3.5″ could be useful to travelers: it’s light and compact. The fabric pouch that came in the package should be useful to carry it while traveling.
The car holder includes a sticky disk and a regular suction cup with a mount. The mount is very convenient. It uses a strong magnet to hold securely the GPS, which makes it easy to remove the unit when necessary. No fumbling required.


IGO Primo was published several months ago. It took us a while to lay hands on a copy and test it on two different devices: Mio MOOV and a Chinese made Nextar. Here are the results:
Primo looks a lot like Amigo. The opening screen is nearly identical to Amigo’s and it uses a very similar graphic interface. This is about the limit of similarity. In general we found Primo to be better than both version 8.3 and Amigo that it replaces.
Those familiar with Amigo know that it has very limited customization options. This is not true for Primo. There are numerous adjustments available through both the menus and the sys.txt file. Primo seems to be as customizable as iGO 8.3. We highly recommend the gurjon skins which make customization even easier. As an aside: these skins used to be easily found at gurjon.com. Not anymore. Apparently Nav’nGo pressured gurjon’s internet host to take the site down. It is back up again but offers no downloads. Nav’nGo’s action is completely inexplicable seeing as the skins enhance the Nav’nGo product and add value to it without costing the company a dime.
In our tests Primo proved superior to version 8.3 at least in one respect: it is much more stable when run from an external memory card. Our Mio MOOV rebooted once in approximately every 5-6 power downs with iGO 8.3. Meaning that after power is disconnected and iGO shuts itself down and than power is reconnected and iGO powers up again the Mio will reboot on the 5th or 6th cycle. Primo doesn’t do that and keeps working. According to Nav’nGo this was one of the improvements in the program introduced in Primo.
Primo’s interface and graphics are much better than iGO8.3 resulting in an more readable map display and a very convenient menu structure.
Primo can use Text To Speech (TTS) files and voices from both Loquendo (the original TTS used by iGO versions up to Primo) and a new one made by Nuance. We found the Nuance version much better than Loquendo. It requires much less memory and processing power to run and is easier to customize.
Primo has also much improved traffic radio detection and interface. It easily discovered the TMC receiver in our Mio and also discovered that the two available broadcasts are pay for use. Previous versions of iGO couldn’t find the receiver. To actually use the broadcast traffic data one needs a subscription to either of the two providers’ services.
Nav’nGo also introduced an intelligent routing option. We had no opportunity to test it as it is supposed to work best with TMC active and with TeleAtlas maps that have a database of past average speeds at different times of day on specific roads.
Since Primo uses the same maps and other information as iGO 8.3 it is easy to transition to for anybody who already owns version 8.3 maps.
In summary: we highly recommend Primo. The stability and improved graphic interface are worth the switch.

четвртак, 20. јануар 2011.

How To Reset Garmin Nuvi GPS Device (Access Maintenance Mode)

Garmin is the leading GPS navigation, communication and solar devices developer in the world. Among its popular products are Garmin Nüvi, Garmin StreetPilot and Garmin Zumo (for motorcyle) series of automobile in-vehicle GPS receiver and navigation unit. Garmin GPS unit allows user to update its firmware, add custom POIs (Point of Interests), Waypoints, Favorites and customize other user settings.

Most GPS navigation devices from Garmin has a reset function which allows user to access a Maintenance Mode screen with system information, diagnostic details or perform the reset function to restore Garmin Nuvi or other series unit to its original default factory settings.
Depending on which model of Garmin GPS unit you’re using, the following routine can reset the Garmin device to original factory loaded settings, or bring up the Maintenance Mode with access to System Information and View Diagnostics screen, where users can see various logs, and of course, clear all user data (reset to factory defaults) or clear Waypoints.
In order to reset Garmin device or enter into maintenance mode, perform one of the following procedures:
Power off Garmin unit. Press on continuously the upper top left corner of screen and then power on the unit by pressing once on the Power button. You should be prompted to clear all user data, or asked if do you really want to start up in maintenance mode. Press “Yes” to reset (warning: all data will be erased and lost, so backup before proceeding) or enter maintenance mode.
Hack above works on Garmin Nuvi 660, 680 series.
Turn off Garmin device. Press down on bottom right corner of the touchscreen, and then power on the GPS unit. You should be prompted whether do you really want to erase all user data, or asked if do you really want to start up in maintenance mode. Press “Yes” to reset (warning: all data will be erased and lost, so backup before proceeding) or enter maintenance mode.
Trick above works on Garmin nuvi 200, 250, 360 750, 760 series unit. In fact, there is a video demo by user of Garmin Nuvi 360 on how to perform the hidden reset function.
Note: If entering maintenance mode, it’s also possible to perform master reset by selecting clear user data option.
Once the device has been hard reset, user have to perform the set up procedure again upon start up. Note that erase user data command only delete data in the Garmin unit’s memory that isn’t accessible to the user when the unit is connected to computer. The command does not erase .gpi or .gpx files loaded (if your .gpx files contain any waypoints then they will automatically be imported into Favorites), nor will delete any MP3 music, JPG photos or any other files that have been stored on the GPS memory card.
Once the Garmin GPS unit is reseted, remember to place the device outside where there is a clear unobstructed view of the sky for 15 – 30 minutes in order for it to requires fix to GPS satellites.
Unfortunately, even if you perform master reset on Garmin GPS unit, it does not reset Garmin Lock security feature, which password-protect most Garmin electronic devices to deter theft. If you forget the PIN or password unlock code to unlock the Garmin unit, the best solution is to bring it to Garmin to get unlocked. “Secure Location” does not unlock a locked Garmin unit either as it’s only a temporary fix as when it’s turn on outside the security location, the device is locked again.

Garmin Nuvi 1690

Iako Garmin Nuvi GPS uređaj nije potpuno nov, njegova dostupnost je do sada bila ograničena. Ovaj GPS sistem je sada dostupan na većem broju tržišta, a njegova najveća karakteristika je internet konektivnost poznata kao Garmin nuLink! koja nudi Google lokalnu pretragu te informacije o vremenu, saobraćaju, ali i druge servisne i zabavne informacije. Garmin je ovu opciju obezbedio zahvaljujući saradnji sa Rogers Communications. Ostale karakteristike ovog modela uključuju Bluetooth wireless opciju povezivanja, ecoRoute karakteristiku koja bira rute koje vam omogućavaju uštedu goriva i slično. Kupovinom ovog uređaja korisnici dobijaju godinu dana besplatno korišćenje nuLink!

Mio Moov S600 dostupan

Konačno je počela prodaja novog Mio S600 gps navigatora i u Srbiji. Po ceni od oko dve stotine evra dobija se jedan od poslednjih modela poznatog proizvođača koji u sebi poseduje mnoštvo dodatnih mogućnosti od kojih su neke veoma korisne i našim kupcima. S600 je mnogo više od klasičnog GPS navigatora i posebno je pogodan za turiste koji su avanturističkog duha jer poseduje zaseban taster pomoću koga možete zabeležiti lokaciju na kojoj se trenutno nalazite što može biti prilično korisno ukoliko se putuje u neke predele gde je teže snaći se ili jednostavno želite da podelite sa prijateljima mesto sa koga je najlepši pogled.

Mio Moov S655

Mio je počeo prodaju novog modela iz svoje S serije GPS uređaja: Mio Moov S655. Radi se o multifunkcionalnom GPS uredjaju, koji ima sve što vam je potrebno za svakodnevno korišćenje. Ovaj novi uređaj iz S serije poseduje TMC modul koji vam daje trenutna obaveštenja o situaciji na putevima, tako da možete da izbegnete gužve na putevima, sudare, radove na putu i slične situacije. Zahvaljujući ugrađenom Bluetooth-u možete proveriti trenutne vremenske prilike, pretraživati Google-ovu bazu podataka o važnim lokacijama ili čak zvati pomoć na putu. “Explore mod” opcija vam daje informacije o važnim lokacijama u vašem susedstvu. S655 ima veliki ekran od 5” koji radi na dodir.

среда, 19. јануар 2011.

How to Unlock Navigon 2100 Release 4.2

Before you begin, make sure you read the post entirely and you have no questions about each step. A little background might help you understand what you are doing. At startup, Navigon executes autorunce.exe which invokes MN6, the navigation software for Navigon. We just change the name of the original autorunce.exe and put our unlocking script in its place. This way we trick the Navigon to run the unlocking script.

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Put the SD card that comes with Navigon into your computer’s card reader. If you don’t have a SD card reader, you can connect your Navigon to the computer directly using a mini-USB cable(not included).
  2. Change the file autorunce.exe on the SD card to autorunec.exe.
  3. Download the zip file from here. (This link has been updated to download the release 4.2.1)
  4. Unzip the file and copy everything to the SD card. Note that if you already have a Skins directory, just copy the content of Skins directory to your existing Skins directory. Here is a screenshot of the folders and files on the storage card’s root directory.
  5. Put the SD card back to the unit. Turn it off completely by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds.
  6. Turn on Navigon 2100 by pressing the power button and holding it for a few seconds. A dialog pops up telling you the unlock is done and begging for donation. :-) Click on OK to continue.
Mini Manual
There are 3 desktops included in this package. You can use the left and right arrows on the lower right corner to switch between the desktops. The top row and bottom row are the same for each desktop. The top row from left to right:
  • Restart: Restarts the unit.
  • Toggle Screen Orientation: Toggles the screen between landscape or portrait mode.
  • Taskbar: Brings up the taskbar.
  • Toggle Keyboard: Toggles MioTool(keyb.exe) which you can use to open an on-screen keyboard. You need a stylus to us it. Make sure the cursor is in the input field of the window when you use it. Tap the ab icon again to close the on-screen keyboard.
  • Volume: Changes the volume. The default volume is set to maximum. You can use this to change volume before playing a game with sound like Tetris.
The bottom row from left to right:
  • GPS: Invokes MN6.
  • Media: Invokes TCPMP. This is a versatile media player. It plays various video formats and MP3. It can also be used to view photos. I added the plugin to play FLV video downloaded from YouTube or other flash video sites. Plugins for playing Podcast video are also included.
  • FileMan CE: Invokes FileMan CE, a file manager for CE devices. You can use it to launch other programs not on the desktop or manage files.
Main Desktop

  • Paint: Invokes PocketPaint. This is a simple paint program.
  • Calculator: Invokes MyCalculator. To exit out MyCalculator, tap About and then the “X” in the about screen.
  • Photos: Invokes GQe. You can use it to view photos on the storage card.
  • Notes: Invokes NotePad, a notepad program for creating/viewing text files.
  • Tweaks: Tweaks Management. I have modified a MioMap Skins switcher to switch MN6 skins.
  • uBook: uBook reader. It can open HTML, TXT, RTF, PDB and PRC (not secure) ebook files. A free Webster dictionary is included. I don’t know if anyone is interested in reading a dictionary, but it’s there.
  • NoniGPSPlot: A straight line GPS application.
  • XnViewPocket: Image viewing application. You can use it for photo slide show.
  • My Apps: If you want to add your own programs, this is the place.
Games Desktop

In this desktop, there are a lot of new games. Most of the games are from XFlib. If you like the games, please consider a donation to their site. You can download a lot more games from the site. Some games run in portrait mode. Ameridan has come up with a way using scripts to rotate the screen automatically. I have borrowed the scripts to run these games.
  • Lights On: Invokes LightsON. The goal of the game is to turn all lights on.
  • Free Cell: Invokes FreeCell, a poker game.
  • Sudoku: A Sudoku game from XFlib.
  • Caisses: A Sukoban clone game from XFlib.
  • HexaVirus: My personal favorite from XFlib. Your goal is to active every virus in 30 moves or less.
  • Aquella: A JezzBall-like game from XFlib.
  • BallBreaker: An interesting game from XFlib to test your reflexes. All the balls are shooting at your cursor. Try to lure the balls to hit the block(s) and break them.
  • SmartMahjongg: My favorite PocketPC game. It’s now possible now that we have .Net compact framework 3.5. The game is a bit slow to load, please be patient. If you like it, please consider a donation. This is the author’s site.
  • Tetris: A classic Tetris game. Click on the block to rotate it. Click on the left or right side of the window to move the block.
  • Shift: Another game from XFlib. Click on the border of the screen to move the blocks that can move in the direction. When 3 or more of the same block form, they disappear.
Utilities Desktop

  • RegEdit: Registry editor for your PNA.
  • iTaskMgr: Shows you CPU, Process and Task(Application) info. You can use this to terminal a process or switch to an application.
  • Move: Utility to move windows around.
  • DPMS: Turn your screen off.
  • Resinfo: Invokes Resinfo. It shows you some resources informations for your device. Kinda like task manager in Windows. You can use it to terminate applications or processes.
  • Restart: Restarts PNA. Use this when an application crashes or after you load new files to the SD card.
  • Rotate: Rotates the screen counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
  • Snapshot: Invokes CapScrUtil. A screen capture utility. Remember to store the image to either Storage Card or My Flash Disk for easy access to the screenshots.
  • Settings: Invokes Control Panel. Note that some of the settings might mess up your unit. Please use it with caution.
  • SirfTech: Utility to manage settings for GPS. Can be used to turn off static navigation. This program is NOT included in the package. Please download it from the author’s site.
  1. I have not found a way to terminate MN6 gracefully. Therefore, a utility called WolfToolbar is included for quiting MN6. WolfToolbar is executed first every time you try to start MN6. You can exit out MN6 by clicking on WolfToolbar icon and then click on Task. This brings up the task manager, you then click on Process tab and select MN6.exe to terminate it. If you think WolfToolbar is really annoying and you don’t want to use it, find the file MioNav.mscr in the Script directory and delete the line that says
    Run ("\Storage Card\Script\wolftoolbar.exe")
  2. If you want to use your own background image, just create a 320×240 bitmap file. Put them in the Scriptdesktop directory. Edit the ini files in the directory to use the bitmap file you created. main.ini is for Main desktop, gmaes.ini is for Games desktop and utilities.ini is for Utilities desktop. Change the variable BackgroudBitmap to point to the new file.
  3. If you want to change or add the icons(shortcuts) on the desktop, you can do so by editing the files in note #2. An icon entry is like this.
    x = 0
    y = 95
    Command = \Storage Card\Script\your_program.exe
    SizeNormal =64
    SizePushed =64
    ScaleAlpha = 80
    IconNormal = icons\youricon.ico
    ScaleAlpha = 100
    IconPushed = icons\youricon.ico
  4. When you have the program and icon(64×64) ready, copy the program to Script directory and copy the icon to Scriptdesktopicons directory and modify the variable Command, IconNormal and IconPushed. Note that you have to use absolute path for Command, but use relative path for IconNormal and IconPushed. If you follow this rule, you can use the included SystemInformation32.exe in that directory to test the desktops on your computer. This tool is very useful for those who like to change the desktops frequently. I have commented out some of the ICONXPBUTTON sections on the ini files. If you want to use them, remove the # signs in front of the lines.
  5. If you experience programs with your unit, you can hard reset the machine using the power button on the top.
  6. The use of unlicensed maps is illegal. Please don’t ask me where can you get maps not licensed for your device or how can you get MN6 to recognize the unlicensed maps. Any question regarding unlicensed maps will either be deleted or ignored.
Backing Off
If you don’t like it the way it is, you want to undo everything. It’s very easy to revert back to the factory state, just delete all the files you copied to your unit and rename the autorunec.exe back to autorunce.exe. Hard reset your unit afterward.
If you find my articles useful and you would like me to continue this project, please consider making a donation to my site. Thank you!


Unlock for GPS/PNA devices running Windows CE

Click on the thumbnails or scroll down for larger images
View MioPocket in action

Current: Release 68, Dec 6, 2010 (Changelog)
Download: MediaFire
Mirror: MegaUpload

What is MioPocket?
MioPocket (MEE-oh-pok-it) is an "unlock" for GPS devices (aka PNAs) running Windows CE. Such devices almost always boot into the manufacturer's software with no way to exit it, meaning that you cannot run any other software; i.e. the device is "locked." Unlocking your device allows you to use it for far more than the manufacturer intended (ex. for music, movies, appointments, other navigation apps, etc.) and more like a PDA. MioPocket is the most-packed and most-fully-featured unlock for PNAs available and is free and legal to use, as it consists 100% of freely-distributable content. What MioPocket is not is a replacement for MioMap, Mobile Navigator or any other OEM navigation software. It is just a frontend from which you may launch the navigation software that came with your device or that you purchase separately.
What types of programs does MioPocket come with?
MioPocket comes with just about everything that you might want: three media players (video and audio, nearly all popular formats, including MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, MP4, H.264/AVC, WMV, MOV, DivX, XviD and more), four e-book readers, multiple dictionaries (including English to 5 languages), dozens of games, two image viewers, two paint programs, MS Office document viewers, text editors, handwritten note-taking apps, four general GPS plotting/mapping apps (good for geocaching), three different appointments/tasks apps, internet apps, registry editors, task managers/switchers, file managers, a contacts app, a calculator, a unit converter, an alarm clock and more (all free/shareware). See the Readme file for a full list. Note: MioPocket does not come with MioMap, iGo, Garmin, TomTom or any other commercial navigation software. Icons and scripts are included for them, but not the programs, themselves (since they are not free).
Which devices does MioPocket run on?
Technically, MioPocket should run on any Windows CE-based device. Despite the name (a nod to the Mio brand), it's evolved to become flexible and not hard-coded to any particular brand or configuration. Every device is slightly different, though, and due to the great many brands and configurations that are out there, the ease of installation and the number of apps and features that actually work will vary. Most major Windows CE-based GPS brands, such as Mio (which MioPocket was originally designed for), Magellan, Navigon, Navman and Asus (and some other lesser brands) have installation instructions in MioPocket's Readme file. For obscure brands without included instructions, you may have to look around online (including the gpspassion.com forums) for unlock instructions and then adapt MioPocket accordingly... or be a pioneer and figure it out for yourself. Note that TomTom and Garmin devices are Linux-based and, hence, MioPocket (which is Windows CE-based) cannot run on them.
Does it install to SD card or to flash disk (SD-free)?
Both. You have the option of either. See the Readme file for instructions.
Which features make MioPocket unique compared to other unlocks?
* Resolution independence. Will work with any resolution, from 320x240 to 800x480 and larger.
* Touch scrolling. Scroll through icons and pages of icons by swiping your finger, like with high-end smartphones (ex. the iPhone).
* Add/edit icons in seconds by tapping and holding on the screen.
* Fully customizable shell. Use your own image as wallpaper and change many other elements.
* Install to SD card or to internal flash drive (SD-free).
* Close or minimize any open application, even those without any way to do either.
* Bring up the keyboard (and do many other tasks) without closing or minimizing an application.
* Input text via many different keyboards or handwriting recognition.
* Rotate the screen on-the-fly for apps that work better in portrait mode.
* Remote control your device from your Windows desktop.
* Access your device while connected to USB (no connection screen in the way).
* Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 pre-installed.
* Assign any app (ex. MioMap, any other navigation app or the device's original menu) to a quick launch button found on every page.
* Access the start menu without displaying the taskbar.
* Skin the taskbar to look like XP Silver, XP Royale or Windows 7.
* Automatic registry importing. Just add your own .reg file to the Registry folder and it will be imported during installation.
* All of MioPocket's settings can be configured directly from a menu within MioPocket.
* More included applications and games than any other unlock.
* Many more things...
Visual Guide to Key Features

Video Guide

The Look:
Note #1: Ignore the screenshot resolution. These scale to any resolution (320x240, 480x272, 800x480, anything).
Note #2: These are just some of the presets available in MioPocket using the included backgrounds and elements. You may use any combination that you wish, including supplying your own backgrounds and tweaking other settings.

Pro GlassAluminum Glass

Navy GlassPro Wood

Gold WoodIndustrial

AluminumNeon Grid

EarthEarth Map


Aluminum BlackWood Black


Again, these are just presets (or examples) of some of what you can do. If you don't like any of the above graphics, you can supply your own to create a skin that looks just about however you want it.

Other Screens (scaled down in size):

Skin ChangerLock Screen

Older Skins (available in the Old Skins Add-on):
Note #1: These skins use the older, less-capable shell, do not have icons for all of the apps/games and don't come in all resolutions.
Note #2: These screenshots have been scaled down.